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Writer: Danielle RoettDanielle Roett

I wanted more out of life. I was tired of pursuing a version of myself that was fabricated by others. I wanted to know who I truly was…who God created me to be. I wanted authenticity. I wanted the life of fulfillment that comes from walking in purpose. But, I severely underestimated how hard this new path would be. For years, I felt like I had lost everything, only to gain nothing in return. I had feelings of regret; I thought maybe I had made a mistake. I questioned if God was with me and for me, because my faith seemed to lack results. But all the while, in the midst of the disappointment, I was becoming who He created me to be.

As you wait for God, you are becoming.

This is how He works. He uses the process of our trials, our disappointment, and our pain, to mold us into the masterpiece that He designed us to be. And this is something that we will never be able to see as it happens.

As I walked through the most difficult season of my life, I thought I had taken more steps back than I could count. I thought I had lost everything. But the truth is that I actually gained everything, because I had Him. It was during that season that I learned how to lean on Him, trust in Him, and hear His voice. He began to speak to me in that season. He gave me a vision of who He created me to be. And as I look back, I can see how much He transformed me through each tear that I cried. I was praying for my marriage to be healed, and in that season, He enabled me to be a conduit in the miracle that I was believing for. I saw God work so many miracles. But what I didn’t see, is that I was also becoming who He created me to be.

God uses everything for our good.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)

This scripture doesn’t say some things…it says everything, and I believe that everything means everything! God uses the smallest of details to push us towards our purpose…to mold us into who He created us to be. So, even in our darkest of days…even when we can’t see the light, and we feel like there’s no hope, He is using everything! We can see evidence of this throughout scripture.

When we read about Joseph’s story in the book of Genesis, we see that he was sold into slavery by his own brothers, and then he was thrown into prison unjustly. As we read his story, it appears that he was taking steps back; but in reality, he was moving forward into purpose…he was becoming the man that he needed to be, to do what God called him to do.

As we read about Moses in the book of Exodus, we see that he had to become someone that he wasn’t, so that he could grow into who he was meant to be. I can’t imagine the life that he lived….knowing that he was separated from his people…knowing that he had been saved for a purpose. I can’t imagine how he felt as he fled his home, but through it all….he was becoming the man that he needed to be, to do what God called him to do.

And in the gospels, we read about Peter’s journey. He was a man that desperately wanted to walk in faith, but time and time again, he fell short. He failed his Savior and friend over and over again. He did things that he never thought he would do. He didn’t seem like the likely candidate to lead the early church, but because of the grace of God…because He uses everything…Peter was becoming the man that he needed to be the entire time.

The lives of these heroes in the faith are encouraging. They give us hope that regardless of what we’re going through, we’re still making progress towards our purpose. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy…it doesn’t take away the pain and disappointment that we feel. So how do we work through these feelings? How do we encourage ourselves, so that we can continue to walk in faith, and become who God’s called us to be?

We must train ourselves to see the good in the midst of the bad.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NLT)

For many of us, this does not come naturally. Most of my life, I saw situations through the lens of the glass being half empty…all I could see was what was missing…all I could see was what was wrong. But as I walked with God, He gave me a new perspective. He began to show me my life the way that He sees my life. He gave me a heavenly view of what I thought was only a worldy situation.

God gives us the tools, but we must use them.

Everyday, and with each circumstance, we have a choice to make. Will we choose to see the situation through the lens of our default perspective? Or will we choose to allow God to give us a heavenly perspective of our situation.

In the world, we see things one way; but with God, we can gain a new perspective.

The Apostle Paul had a beautiful way of expressing his experience with this revelation.

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:8‭-‬10 NLT)

This scripture is the epitome of seeing a situation from a heavenly view. We will never know the situation that Paul was praying about, but it’s clear that God gave him a new perspective.

I have no idea what your prayers consist of. I have no idea what you’re believing for, but I believe that God wants to give you a fresh perspective about your situation. Maybe you feel weak in an area of your life. If so, consider that He wants you to gain your strength through Him. Maybe you have had setback after setback. Maybe it feels like you haven’t actually taken a step forward in years. If so, I want you to know that although it feels like you’re stagnant, you are becoming. Maybe, you're reading all of this, and it feels like it doesn’t apply to you because you’ve made so many mistakes. If so, I want to remind you of Peter’s story. He denied Jesus three times; and yet, he is regarded as the leader of the first church. His story is proof that regardless of your mistakes, you can still reach purpose. Even when you fail…you are still becoming.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6 NLT)

You are becoming right now.

In the middle of your pain, in the middle of your doubt, in the middle of your mistakes…you are becoming. God is using everything you go through, to grow you into purpose. So make the decision to entrust your situation to your Father today. Allow Him to give you a fresh perspective of your situation, allow Him to show you the things that you can’t see with your natural eyes. If you trust in Him, if you make the decision to follow Him, you will become everything He’s called you to be…you will be enabled to walk in the fullness of your purpose… and you will be fulfilled, knowing that His plan is being manifested in your life.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the amazing plan that you have for my life. Thank you for your grace, which allows me to walk in that plan, regardless of my mistakes, and regardless of the facts.Today, I have been reminded that you use everything I go through to push me into purpose. So today, I am making the decision to trust you in the middle of this process. I will trust you in the middle of my disappointment, in the middle of my pain, and in the middle of my mistakes. I will choose to trust you, even when it seems like there is no hope. And I believe that as I trust you, I will gain a new perspective, so that I can continue to walk in faith towards purpose. I love you Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.



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