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It's Not What It Seems

Writer: Danielle RoettDanielle Roett

I can’t stand the feeling of uncertainty. More than anything, I want the comfort of understanding where I am, and the predictability of knowing where I’m going. I plan in order to feel safe, and I form conclusions to protect myself from the unknown. Even as I walk by faith, I have this need to figure out everything before it’s time…and I’m frustrated when I can’t. I have been on this constant progression of deepening my faith in Christ. Over these past few years, He has taught me to let go of my plans, so that I can receive His. But now, He is calling me deeper. He’s not just after my plans, He’s after my thoughts and conclusions. He wants everything that’s blocking my faith in Him. And I believe that He wants the same from you.

Our thoughts and conclusions determine our faith.

If we want to live by faith, we must think thoughts of faith. Why? Because our thoughts, whether positive or negative, determine the conclusions that we form. If we are in a negative thought pattern (one without faith), we will form the conclusion that our situation will turn out for the worst. But if we are in a positive thought pattern (one full of faith), we will form the conclusion that our situation will turn out for the best.

For a moment, I want you to examine yourself. Would you say that for the most part, you tend to think positively? Or would you say that for the most part, you tend to think negatively? Now…I want you to think about the conclusions that you tend to form? Would you say that you usually believe that your situation will work out in your favor? Or would you say that you usually believe that your situation will not work out in your favor?

For me, the answers to these questions vary considerably by the day. What do I mean? Well, there are days when I’m full of faith…days when I believe the situation will work out in my favor. But there are also days when I find myself in a negative thought pattern…when I can’t help but to think that the worse will happen. As I’ve said, my days tend to vary considerably…so what makes the difference? …My focus.

For me, the difference hinges on whether or not I have focused my thoughts on the Savior. I figured out long ago that I cannot go a day without Him. Without Him I have no faith. Without Him I have no hope…I think negatively, I am depressed, I am anxious…I am a mess. Everything good in me depends on my relationship with Him.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NLT)

We can’t have faith apart from Him.

I can say that on most days, I am full of faith. I believe that He’s with me. I believe that He’s for me. I believe that He has something good in store for me. But, I also understand that this is only who I am when I’m connected to Him. The faith that I have is fruit. The joy that I have is fruit. The peace that I have is fruit. The moment that I detach from His presence, that fruit will stop producing in my life. But when I am consistently focused on Him, spending time in His presence, that fruit has a chance to grow.

So, how do I remain in His presence?

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8‭-‬9 NLT)

I remain in His presence by thinking of the truth that He has spoken in His word.

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. (Joshua 1:8 NLT)

According to scripture, this is how we prosper in all that we do. But I want to take it a little deeper, because this is also how we develop the faith-filled thinking that we need to go where He has called us to go. We can’t move mountains with our natural minds…our minds that can only comprehend finite things. We need the mind of the Spirit. We need to think like the God of the impossible, if we want to do the impossible things that He has called us to do. So, If we want to walk by faith, we must replace our thoughts with His. We must be willing to step outside of who we are, to become who He has called us to be.

But this isn’t the only way to remain in His presence.

Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. (Ephesians 5:18‭-‬19 NLT)

Worship is the primary way that I remain in His presence. I am constantly listening to music that speaks of His glory, His protection, His grace, and His mercy. I am continually singing praises to Him. I tell Him how wonderful He is. I glorify and magnify Him with the voice that He has given me. When I do this, I am abiding in Him, and I am reminding myself that this life is bigger than me and what I can see.

What is your primary way of abiding in Him?

Maybe you’re like me and you love to worship in song at His feet. Maybe you love to read scripture, or spend hours upon hours in prayer. Whatever it is that you love to do, do it with all your heart. Spend endless time in His presence, because abiding in Him is what makes the difference in your life. He is the difference between who you are and who you used to be. He is the difference between where you are and where He has called you to be.

When I abide in Him, I am no longer the girl that looks at the glass half empty. Instead, I am the girl that sees the little that’s there, and believes that the overflow is on its way. But as I’ve said, He’s calling me deeper, beyond this place. He is calling me to take every thought captive. He is calling me to believe Him in each and every moment of my day.

We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT)

Every negative thought prevents us from seeing the truth that God wants us to see. Every negative thought blocks the faith that He wants us to have in Him. So what must we do? We must make our thoughts bow down to the truth of His word. In His word, we will find the promises that He has spoken over us. And as we speak His word over our lives, our thoughts and conclusions will follow.

On this journey of faith, I’ve realized that things aren’t as they seem. Yes, my situation may have looked desperate. Yes, it may have seemed that I was all out of options. But in those situations, I have seen God come through for me over and over again…in ways that are unfathomable. As I think of all that He has done in my life, I have decided that I don’t need to conclude anything. I don’t need to make assumptions. I don’t need to formulate the possible outcome of my situation. I am choosing to believe that regardless of where I am at any moment, He has good in store for me.

Things are never what they seem to be.

Maybe you’re in a situation that looks dark. Maybe when you look around, all you see is brokenness and despair, and all you see is the reasons why the situation won’t work out in your favor. Maybe you’re in this negative cycle, with lost hope and faith. If so, I believe that your heavenly Father wants to redeem that hope and faith today. Get in His presence. Listen to His truth. Allow His word to wash over your mind. Allow His Spirit to build your hope and faith as you sing praises to Him. He will give you the strength to believe again. And as you trust in Him, He will show you that your situation is not what it seems. Yeah it may seem like the provision isn’t there, but He isn’t a God that’s bound by what you can see. He knows where you are going, and He has prepared a way for you to get there in advance. He is your provider, and He wants to make a way for you today. Allow Him.


Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me that you always have good in store for me. Even when the situation looks dark, even when I can’t see a way out, I know that you have already provided for the situation to work out for my good. Today, I am making the decision to trust you no matter what I see. I am making the decision to lay down my plans, to take captive my thoughts, and to submit my conclusions to you…because I know that things are never what they seem. And I believe that as I trust in you, I will see you move mountains in my life. I love you Father. In Jesus name, amen.


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